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Texas Civil Court Records Search

Texas Civil Court Records Search


Civil court records in Texas, are documents of non criminal court cases. There are a variety of different civil cases ranging from lawsuits and contract disputes, to probate and personal-injury claims. With few exceptions, most of the TX civil court case records are available for public viewing. To access these records there are a few options to access these records online, directly from county courthouse websites, or from public record repositories.


The first step in running a Texas civil court records search is to have some knowledge about the case. You will need to know the person's full name, you want to research, their civil case number, or the names of their attorneys. Then using the various options mentioned earlier, you can access these records online, or request physical copies for official purposes.


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Understanding the Texas Civil Court Structure


Before running through the search process, it is helpful to know how the civil court system works. The Lone Star State has multiple levels of courts, including district courts, county courts, and justice of the peace courts. Each of these handle different types of civil court cases. Being knowledgeable about which of these courts a civil case was tried in can expedite your search efforts.


District Courts


The District Courthouses are general trial courts, where most cases begin. They handle a wide range of criminal and civil cases, and there is at least one of these district courthouses in each county. The larger counties can have two or more of these. These courthouses typically only hear TX civil cases with significant amount of money or a major civil matter, it would likely be found here.


County and Justice of the Peace Courts


For smaller civil cases, such as small lawsuits, small claims or property disputes, the county courts or justice of the peace courts might be where the record is located. For example, if you want to run an El Paso TX Civil Case Search, you can visit the El Paso County Courthouse website. There you can register for an online account to make your civil record inquiries.


Privately Run Databases


For those that want to verify someone's civil records, or civil court case outcomes, without needing official documents, third-party public record sites are a good option. These online database services will collect civil records, as well as other public records, from a multitude of sources to offer a more in-depth look at a person's court case history. These are convenient resources to verify information or run an un-official background check on someone.


Access and Privacy Restrictions to Civil Records


While most civil cases are deemed public record, there are some restrictions to access and usage. If you are attempting to access records for official purposes such as applications, security clearances, or travel documents, you must use an FCRA certified service. If you just want to do some research or verify some information for personal reasons, these requirements are not as stringent. It is also important to point out that any records that are sealed, or of a sensitive nature, will not be publicly available. If you encounter any difficulties accessing the information you are looking for, you can try reaching out to the clerk of the courts directly.


Civil Court Records